Self Investors

We're looking for a select group of Zacks VIP members to take part in a new pilot program. Step by step, it trains you to discover market-beating stocks on your own. And we're making it available to you at our cost.

Dear Zacks VIP,

As a valued customer, you've been awarded a privilege that is not being extended to other investors in our community.

It's a spot in a new pilot program that empowers you to find market-beating stocks on your own.

Without waiting for tips or picks from anyone.

Zacks Rank #1 vs. S&P 500You won't need to attend a single class, workshop, or seminar.  You'll learn to do-it-yourself in your own home, at your own pace.  One simple step at a time.

It's called the Zacks Method for Trading.  With it, you'll receive everything you need to apply the full force of the Zacks Rank system.  As you may already know, this system has beaten the S&P 500 for 19 out of the last 20 years – nearly three times over with an average yearly gain of +30%.  In fact, within 20 years, it could have exploded your $10,000 investment into well over $2 million.

Even through the down years of 2000-2002, the picks ran strong.  While the S&P 500 was dropping -37.6%, Zacks #1 Rank stocks actually gained +43.8%. 

And everything you need to master the magic of Zacks Rank will be sent to you at cost.

This easy, interactive self-training program may represent our most powerful breakthrough since Zacks Investment Research was founded.  It has certainly been a particular dream of our founder, Len Zacks.  He believed that otherwise casual investors could be trained to beat the market decisively and consistently – without spending more than a few minutes a week checking their portfolios.

The most powerful force

Len is a Ph.D. in mathematics from M.I.T. who published an article back in 1979 that was little noted outside of academic circles and among Certified Financial Analysts.  But its effect was far-reaching.  It identified a simple but profound stock-picking truth:  Revisions to earnings estimates are the most powerful force impacting stock prices.


  1. Earnings estimates go up.
  2. Stock is upgraded by Zacks.
  3. You buy the stock.
  4. Fund managers process info on that same stock through committees and paperwork.
  5. They slowly pour in massive amounts of money.
  6. Stock price goes up.
  7. Earnings estimates go down.
  8. Stock is downgraded by Zacks.
  9. You sell the stock.
  10. Fund managers sell the stock.
  11. Stock price goes down.

When analysts revise their estimates of a company’s earnings upward, that stock tends to outperform the market during the next one to three months – and it’s time to consider buying.

The opposite is also true.  When earnings estimates go down, the stock underperforms – and you should definitely think about selling.

At Zacks, we continually process earnings estimates issued by 3,000 analysts from 150 brokerage firms.  We monitor more than 200,000 reports, looking for changes.

Then, as soon as those changes are discovered, we pass them along to our clients.  They’re reflected in each stock’s  Zacks Rank: #1 “Strong Buy,” #2 “Buy,” #3 “Hold,” #4 “Sell,” and #5 “Strong Sell.”

Now individual investors can actually gain the advantage

At first, our clients were institutions and professional investors.  Later, we began to share our research and the picks it unearthed with individuals like yourself.  But Len always knew that private investors would benefit by applying Zacks Rank methodology on their own

There's really no need, he reasoned, to develop special skills or grapple with abstract theories.  When pointed in the right direction, you can take your trading to a higher level by using the Zacks Rank to build and manage a powerful portfolio.

This doesn’t mean you can profit like the pros.  It means you can profit better than the pros.

The Zacks Method for Trading gives you an edge over stock fund managers, even the best of them.  With it, you can beat them to the punch on stock after stock.

You'll take advantage of the fact that portfolio managers know the power of earnings estimates, too.  In fact, many of the big funds and brokerage houses use the Zacks Rank signals.  But . . .

You get to the best stocks first

The big funds’ financial system is “molasses slow” and that's where big gains can be made.  It often takes weeks for fund managers to process the earnings information.  Then it takes even more time to pick stocks (often by committee) and move massive amounts of money into them.

In other words, you can beat the big guys at their own game, without tethering yourself to your computer or your telephone.

With the new Zacks Method, you’ll have plenty of time to buy the right stocks before the managers pour in their fund money and make the prices go up.  You’ll also sell before reduced earnings estimates compel the managers to remove money from the stocks and drive their prices down.

The most remarkable fact of all

Right now, I'm prepared to make it easier than ever before to exploit this advantage over the fund managers.  I'll send everything you need to make yourself a more profitable trader in your own home.  And we're not talking about taking a lot of time or doing a lot of work . . .

Once you learn the Zacks Method for Trading, you can apply its principles in one weekly session of 10 or 15 minutes. Some traders do it only once a month.

The new Zacks Method for Trading is a home study course that gives you the power to enhance your portfolio with Zacks picks – and develop your own market-beating strategies in the most convenient way possible.

Sitting at your own computer, you’ll quickly discover what makes those Zacks strategies tick, and also how to use them to galvanize your portfolio.

You’ll also shape them for your personal investment style such as Aggressive Growth . . . Growth & Income . . . Momentum . . . Value . . . and more. 

Zacks Method for Trading – Breakthrough for the “Ordinary Trader”

I know that, as a Zacks VIP member, you’re more than “ordinary.”  But this course is designed to make you truly extraordinary.  It’s based on the “I AM” principle:

  • Identify what kind of trader you are, where you want to be and which strategies
    suit you best.
  • Guidebooks, DVDs and MoreAnalyze stocks to find the ones with the highest probability of success.
  • Manage your assets more quickly and easily to maximize profits and lower risk.

Soon you'll be able to say, "I AM a more informed, more confident, and more profitable trader."  Here's what you get in this pilot program . . .

Quick Start Guide
Get off the block quickly.

Home Study Course Workbook
Move step by step to become a more powerful trader.

DVD #1: The Zacks Method for Trading
Gain the secrets behind the Zacks Rank and how the system outperforms the market. Knowledge is power!

DVD #2:  Trading with the Zacks Rank
Discover how to take full advantage of our most powerful stock strategies.

DVD #3:  Screening for Stocks and Creating Your Own Trading Strategies
Choose from more than 650 different criteria to find diamonds in the rough, the few special companies that will super-charge your portfolio. Tailor strategies to your own preferences and goals.

DVD #4:  Backtesting Your Strategies for Success
See how each strategy would have performed in past years, during bull and bear periods.  Then create and test your own strategies to see how successful they are before you put one dollar in the market.

Free Access to Research Wizard for 30 Days
Apply Zacks’ stock-picking and backtesting software to set up your profit-maximizing portfolio.

BONUS DVD:  Advanced Backtesting Strategies
Combine multiple strategies and put entire portfolios to the test. Simultaneously analyze your performance over different time spans and start dates. Learn which criteria work the best. You can even have all the results charted out for you!

BONUS BOOK:  Top 10 Stock Screening Strategies That Make Money
Explore ten of Zacks’ proven stock-picking strategies that have overpowered the market in good times and bad.  Put them to work in your portfolio straight away.

How soon will you see results?

In the first week, the very first DVD will give you a new perspective that will transform your trading.

During the second week, you can expect to tap the full power of the Zacks Rank and discover new ways to find winning stocks.

Your cost is our cost – but only until September 30, 2008 - TONIGHT!
Right now, I’ve been authorized to offer you a temporary, exclusive savings for taking part in this pilot program.

The regular price for our new Zacks Method for Trading Home Study Course is $499, plus $30 shipping and handling, quite a bargain for training that has life-changing and fortune-shaping implications. 

Today, however, we'll send you all the DVDs and guidebooks at our cost, only $80.66.  And that includes shipping and handling.

Raves from Traders
Who Use the Zacks Method

"It's like a license to print money."
  - Bill C., Carson City, NV

"No benchmark stands a chance."
  - Maurizio P., Lugano, Switzerland

"I can't believe such a simple concept produces such great results."
  - Marco G., Addison, TX

With this special promotion for our VIP members, we won't take a cent of profit.  Why are we giving away all these materials at cost?  Our goal is to create a small army of messengers who will attest to the power of this new home study course.  We also feel it's a great way to strengthen the bond with our best customers, and get you more involved with the power of Zacks Rank.

The regular price is $499, plus $30 for shipping and handling – which means you'll save $448.34.   This at-cost pricing ends September 30th, so I strongly encourage you to take advantage of our pilot program by ordering right now.

The Zacks Method for Trading is the best way I know to beat the S&P 500.  It’s also the best way to beat the stock fund managers at their own game.

If you're a self investor who dreams of luxury, financial independence, and peace of mind – we must hear from you now.  This is the day to make your move.

I hope you won't miss this pilot program opportunity, with savings that actually amount to more than 80%.  Remember, it's only for Zacks VIP members, and it ends this month.  Please call 1.888.775.8350. (Outside the U.S., 312.265.9304.)  Or click here to order right now.

Savings offer ends midnight
tonight, September 30!


Kevin Matras
Zacks Investment Research

P.S.  Remember, two bonuses are included in this at-cost price:  (1) Advanced Backtesting Strategies DVD, plus (2) the book that reveals our Top 10 Stock Screening Strategies That Make MoneyPlease be sure to order now and take advantage of this bottom-price VIP opportunity.